Writer, Historian, and Content Creator: Maria Antónia

Hi! I'm Maria Antónia, a Portuguese writer seeking answers to age-old questions through my writing.I tend to write a plethora of genres, not allowing myself (nor being able to) to stick to one corner. I have a tendency to write about grief, feminism, and mental illness as those are topics really close to my heart.Projects I'm querying:
Adult Fantasy, 95.000 words:
Two assassinations attempts in two weeks is just foul play. Moryana takes it upon herself to break the rebellion in half and stop the coming war or watch her six-year-old revenge plan go limp in her arms.
YA Dark Academia x Dystopian, 74.000 words:
When Fatima becomes obsessed with her new neighbors’ strange behavior in the night after a week of rebel attacks, she decides to go against her psychiatrist's advice and follow her out of the house but she wasn't expecting Selene to be the leader of a secret society of academics who aim to dismantle their corrupt country's government.
Projects I'm working on:
* Gothic Horror Retelling of the Ides of March;
* Saltburn x Succession revenge story;
* Non-fiction: untold stories about ancient women, gender, sexuality, and power.